[ODE] Car sim help

Nate W coding at natew.com
Sun Aug 24 20:34:02 2003

On Sun, 24 Aug 2003, maillist wrote:

> One: the back wheels do not stay aligned [...]. 

This sounds like a known problem with ODE.  If you search the list
archives for 'bendy wheels' you will probably see a lot of information
about it.  Far as I know there is not yet a really good solution for it,
but there are workarounds that are worth exploring.

> Two: my steering wheel also steer less and less as I go faster. It is
> set to use angularvel to control steering

Are the wheels turning about the steering axis?  If the wheels are
steering but the car isn't turning, it may just be that the friction is
not high enough to get good steering at high speed.  Try turning up the
ground<->tire friction and see if that helps.


Nate Waddoups
Redmond WA USA