[ODE] New Integrated VC6 workspace.

gl gl at ntlworld.com
Sat Aug 23 07:35:02 2003

I thought it's about time that VC6 support is officially integrated into ODE
as standard.  To that end, I've created a new workspace that simplifies VC6
compilation as much as possible:


It is designed to extract straight into the ode/src directory (everything is
then inside the 'VC6' folder).  'ReadMe.txt' contains usage instructions,
but here's a quick rundown of the advantages over the existing contributed

Designed to be used with the current CVS ODE version.
Easy 3-step installation.
Uses existing src files - no need to copy them (cleaner & easier to
Includes simple batch-file based build configuration (just double-click for
single/double, with/without trimesh support).
Workspaces for static lib (with Opcode) and DLL (with Opcode).
Workspace for all samples (in 'Samples' subdir), includes drawstuff and
Builds and debugs in all the correct places (libs/DLLs go into <ode
dir>/lib, samples are copied to <ode dir>/test).

For this to work, the Opcode workspace needs to be fixed to link
to <ode dir>/lib (right now it links somewhere screwey, in a dir way up the
hierarchy).  Please update it in CVS, Russ:


Everyone, please try this and shake out any remaining issues.

Russ, please consider adding this to ODE, directly in the src dir as
designed.  It would be great if others can tidy up the setups for their
compilers, and contribute them to work 'out of the box' in a 'src' subdir,
assuming Russ approves.