[ODE] Different behavior on different PCs (Try 2)

gl gl at ntlworld.com
Fri Apr 25 15:55:02 2003

What API are you rendering with?

One issue I came across with ODE is that D3D turns floating point exceptions
off (and uses single-precision floats), and that can cause problems.  In D3D
there is a flag to preserve the FPU state between calls:

If that's not it, are you rendering at a fixed or variable timestep?  If
variable, this may be your problem - if your timesteps get too low, deep
penetrations will ocurr, causing a massive 'kickout' effect.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Frederic Ferland" <fref@videotron.ca>
To: <ode@q12.org>
Sent: Friday, April 25, 2003 10:41 PM
Subject: [ODE] Different behavior on different PCs (Try 2)

> Hi!
> I didn't get any reply to my last question, so I'm trying again. :)  To
> summarize my previous post, I'm getting different behavior in my program
> when I run it on two different computers.  On one, I get the expected
> behavior and on the other, my objects act like superballs and bounce in
> air like crazy when they hit the ground.  Can anyone explain why this
> be happening and what can be done about it?  How do programs using ODE
> usually manage to get the same behavior regardless of the speed of the
> computer being used?
> If that can help, you can read my original post in its entirety in the ODE
> mailing list archive at this address:
> http://q12.org/pipermail/ode/2003-April/008374.html
> Thanks for any clue!
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