[ODE] BSP and ODE's collision system

gl gl at ntlworld.com
Mon Apr 21 13:24:02 2003

> Or, as gl suggested, you could implement tri-collider (or whatever
> you end up with collider) with BSP (as opposed to current tri-collider,
> uses OPCODE library, which in turn uses bounding box hierarchy). Still I'm
> unsure if it would perform better than current tri-collider in common
> scenarios...

The thing is, if you're rendering from a BSP, you ideally want to do BSP
collision too.  First, the BSP is already a spacial hierarchy, so colliding
primitives against it is already fairly optimized.  Second, you would avoid
having to duplicate/triangulate the data.  On the other hand, it would be a
fair amount of work - but a BSP collider could be handy for a few things
; ).