[ODE] Virtual Creature Sample Code here

Ted Milker Ted Milker <tmilker at radiks.net>
Wed Apr 16 06:18:01 2003

On Tue, Apr 15, 2003 at 09:48:26PM -0600, Rob Leclerc wrote:
> Looks like this might stall if you let it run long enough. The problem
> is in the compare template used for sorting. You can change it to the
> following code, this should work. (Fingers crossed). Will update the zip
> tomorrow.

Well, that seems to fix the crashing problems but is this really right:

96  of  5    fitness:1.1
97  of  5    fitness:1.1
98  of  5    fitness:1.1
99  of  5    fitness:1.1
Best Found: Gen[0] Fit[1.1]

That's what I see after every single round(I'm up to 7 now, just started
running it).  I guess I'll let it run all day and see what happens, but
it just seems strange that none of the numbers are changing, except the
