[ODE] Rotation Question

Rob Leclerc leclerc at cpsc.ucalgary.ca
Tue Apr 15 17:40:02 2003

I want to find a line segment (P1 & P2), given a point, the dimensions
of a box, and a rotation matrix. Does anyone know how I go about doing
this? (Should have taken a graphics course I know) Is this just a matter

[x',z',y'] = [x,z,y]*[ROT_MTRX_XZY] 

p1_x = -length/2, p2_x = length/2
p1_y = 0, p2_y = 0
p1_z = 0, p2_z = 0


Rob Leclerc
University of Calgary
Department of Computer Science
Office: ICT 728