[ODE] Reseting World Params

Rob Leclerc leclerc at cpsc.ucalgary.ca
Mon Apr 14 13:38:02 2003

I was wondering what I need to know about resetting world parameters.
Basically, I am evolving a virtual creature, but when I save it, and
reload it later, I am unable to reproduce the behavior of the saved
individual exactly. 

Since I didn't see any reset functions for bodies, geometries, or
joints, I just destroy and recreate them for each individual. I was
hoping that that would take care of everything but it looks like there
are some artifacts that remain. I am using double precision, and have
high precision set when out I output to a file. Does anyone have any
ideas what this could be? Are there any parameters, say in the planeGeom
that need to be reset? Any other dynamics that I might not know about? 

I had the same problems with Vortex at one point, as there were certain
values that weren't getting cleared with the reset functions.


Rob Leclerc
University of Calgary
Department of Computer Science
Office: ICT 728