[ODE] New stuff

David McClurg dmcclurg at pandemicstudios.com.au
Tue Sep 3 19:30:02 2002

>> - opcode 1.2 wraps the Point and other math classes in a IceMath namespace.  you assume they are in the Opcode namespace.
> But what is the problem here?

i made a mistake. this is not a problem.

>> - dRay.cpp: dGeomRayGet/Set() use " * 4" instead of " * 3" on the Rotation[] matrix and cause illegal access violations
> I dont think the * 4 is an error. What i did to fix it is this:
> Right[3] = REAL(0.0);
> Up[3] = REAL(0.0);
> Direction[3] = REAL(0.0);
> Now it is fine.

not sure i understand what to change. the 4x3 matrix has 12 entries.  in dGeomRaySet/Get...

	Rotation[3 * 4 + 0] = REAL(0.0);  <<-- illegal access
	Rotation[3 * 4 + 1] = REAL(0.0);  <<-- illegal access
	Rotation[3 * 4 + 2] = REAL(0.0);  <<-- illegal access
	Direction[3] = Rotation[3 * 4 + 2];  <<-- illegal access

> If you're using the vertexstride; could you tell me if it really works as desired? (Strided indices dont work yet, and strided vertices arent really tested as well)

In Include/dTriList.h...

/* Setting data */
void dGeomTriListBuild(dGeomID g, const dcVector3* Vertices, int VertexStide, int VertexCount, const int* Indices, int IndexStride, int indexCount, int TriStride);

/*struct StridedVertex{
        dcVector3 Vertex;
        // Userdata

int VertexStride = sizeof(StridedVertex);

struct StridedTri{
        struct StridedIndex{
                int Index;
                // Userdata
        StridedIndex Indices[3];
        // Userdata

int IndexStride = sizeof(StridedIndex);
int TriStride = sizeof(StridedTri);*/

Why do you need TriStride?  You only need the offset to the next index or vertex.  IndexStride and VertexStride are sufficient.  Also, since if VertexStride != sizeof(dcVector3) you do a copy to match opcode, it doesn't seem worth using.  Do you really need the array copy now that you have callbacks into opcode instead of pointers?

I should also remark that you have two versions of dTriList.h in the zip.  one in the Include folder and an old out-of-date one in the main folder for dTriList.
