Re[4]: [ODE] Cylinder colisions

slipch slipch <slipch at>
Thu Oct 10 06:49:02 2002

Hello Pierre,

Thursday, October 10, 2002, 3:17:04 PM, you wrote:

PT> Are your cylinders real cylinders or capsules ? I assume they're "real"
PT> cylinders since you make a difference between them and "capped cylinders".
PT> Then you might want to tell Eric Haines about it, for his intersection page.
PT> Actually providing a free ODE-independent set of cylinder overlap routines
PT> would be very very handy for a lot of people.

Of course they are "real" cylinders. It is not need to create
colliders for capsules because they already exist  in ODE. Functions that
implement collision for cylinders designed to set contact information
to create ODE contact joints. I am not sure that they would be useful in
another application.

PT> Seems to work here:
PT> (Press 6 to create some bars, then w to make them spin quickly. I can't make
PT> it explode here.)(and I hope we're talking about the same problem ;)

I think yes we are talking about the same problem.
Errors may appear anyway due to numeric errors independently of
inertia tensor. But when inertia highly asymmetric they rather lead to
noticeable result. If angular velocity is not limited it may lead to
untwisting to infinite velocity.
Unfortunately I can not get the example right now by technical
reasons. I'll do it later and I belive I manage to make turning body to
explode in any case setting proper parameters and very large velocity.

Best regards,