[ODE] Car handling - Overturning too easily

Dominic Morris dominicmorris2 at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 11 07:32:01 2002

Hello all,

I'm sure that there must be a simple solution to this,
so if anybody can advise me I'd be very grateful.

I've got my car driving over my terrain mesh using the
contrib tri-collider, and the one remaining problem I
have is that when I steer the car when it's travelling
quickly, it overturns much too easily.

I've based my code on the buggy example, so the geoms
are four spheres and a box. Is this down to the use of
spheres for the wheels? If so, what is the solution?
Capped Cylinders don't seem any better, as they don't
seem to fit the geometery of wheels any better than
spheres, and I'm not sure of a user tri-collider for

I've played about with masses, and friction models
etc, and I can tune down the overturning tendancy, at
the expense of the car's grip by using the Slip1 and
Slip2 parameters (not that I fully understand these

Any help is appreciated,


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