[ODE] <no subject>

Thomas Buehmann thomas_buehrmann at web.de
Wed Nov 6 19:09:02 2002

i'm new to ODE and just tried to install the last release on WinXP. Unfortunately, the make just fails displaying following error code:

cl /nologo /DWIN32 /DMSVC /DdDOUBLE  /DdDEBUG_ALLOC /Feconfigurator.exe configur
process_begin: CreateProcess((null), cl /nologo /DWIN32 /DMSVC /DdDOUBLE /DdDEBU
G_ALLOC /Feconfigurator.exe configurator.c, ...) failed.
make (e=2): Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.
make: *** [configurator.exe] Error 2

(sorry for the german stuff in the line before the last; it just means the system 
wasn't able to find the specified file).

i have to admit i'm a make dummy, but it seems as if make fails while trying to build 
the configurator.exe, right? is there supposed to be a config.h file somewhere (e.g. in
include\ode), cause there is none? at least in the doc it's saying you could as well just 
set the condiguration yourself in that file.

or am i just too stupid? 
any help would be great.

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