[ODE] More tri-collider questions

Erwin de Vries erwin at vo.com
Sun Jun 23 16:55:02 2002

> Then when I run my program, the spheres do collide with the mesh,
> but no contacts are getting generated. I put a debug message in
> dcTriListCollider::CollideSphere to print out the "TriangleIDCount"
> variable right after it is computed. It is always zero.
> Any idea what I am doing wrong? I really would like to get this working!

Have you perhaps moved the tri-list geom? The matrix of the trianglelist
should be an identity one. I did this for speed purposes. The best
implementation would have both versions, and determine at runtime which to
use by doing a simple matrix identity check. (Or rather a position and
quaternion check since it is quicker)
