[ODE] Box - Cylinder collision?

Martin C. Martin martin at metahuman.org
Thu Aug 29 08:30:02 2002

Pierre Terdiman wrote:
> It's just that nobody has. Check out the canonical page for
> intersection-related questions:
> http://www.realtimerendering.com/int/
> As you can see the Cylinder-AABB and Cylinder-OBB squares (*) are
> desperately empty.

Are you claiming that nobody has ever implemented this?  It's not that
it's impossible, or even difficult.  It's probably easier than box-box
collision in fact.  (Capped cylinders are easy to intersect with things. 
In fact, that's the only reason for spherical caps.)  And Vortex and
MathEngine have it, I think.  It's just that no one has gotten around to
it for ODE.

If you're comfortable with the math and kinematics, why don't you
implement it and contribute it?  You could base it on sphere-box.  We
could all use it...

- Martin