[ODE] fbuild

Shaul Kedem shaul_kedem at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 3 01:20:02 MST 2001

Hi ,

 "numerical optimization on various platforms.
actually this is just a matter of running the scripts
in the "fbuild" directory on various platforms, they
will automatically spit out optimized matrix source
code. those scripts should be automated some more and
integrated with the build process."

I tried to run make.exe in the fbuild directory and
got : 

"gcc -o test_ldlt.exe test_ldlt.obj fastldlt.obj
fastlsolve.obj -L ../../lib ode.
lib -lm
process_begin: CreateProcess((null), gcc -o
test_ldlt.exe test_ldlt.obj fastldlt
.obj fastlsolve.obj -L ../../lib ode.lib -lm, ...)
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
make: *** [test_ldlt.exe] Error 2"

So I ran: "link test_ldlt.obj fastlsolve.obj
../../lib/ode.lib user32.lib"

which created test_ldlt.exe , ran it and got the


\ode-0.025\ode\fbuild>test_ldlt.exe f
\ode-0.025\ode\fbuild>test_ldlt.exe s


Is that what you needed? please review the link
process to check I didn't do any crazy stuff.


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