Main Page
NOTE! As of late December 2018 the original wiki server disappeared, along with its wikimedia database. It's being rebuilt here, from a non-editable snapshot of the old wiki. Feel free to help out rebuilding: request an account, and use a tool like this one to convert the snapshotted HTML to wiki markup. Look at the list of Special:WantedPages to see what needs doing. See the mailing list thread related to this.
Open Dynamics Engine (ODE) Community Wiki
Welcome, this is the place where official documentation and community assistance for the Open Dynamics Engine project come to rest. This wiki is not the place for All Things ODE, for that go to ODE's official website, additionally check out the other links at the bottom of the page.
- FAQ : That question is itching at the back of your mind, but guess what, we already have the answer!
- HOWTO Tutorials : Comprehensive guides to describe how to achieve results such as "how do I make a working 4-wheeled vehicle" or "what's a good method for approximating a character in a game environment?".
- Changelog : Here you will find descriptions of changes between official releases. You should definitely read this if you are planning to update your code to use a new ODE release.
- Products that use ODE : Some products that use ODE as part of engine.
Helping Out
Since this is a Wiki, you can help out and edit a page to improve it! If you've looked around, you have probably noticed that there are a number of things that can be improved. How about giving us a hand?
- Flesh out tutorial, like the one about making a stable 4-wheeled vehicle, or keeping an upright capsule.
- You'll probably notice a number of things are outdated, here's a list of those that have already been marked as such. If you have up-to-date info, edit!
Note: you need to confirm your e-mail address and wait for approval to get editing rights. This is done to reduce the amount of spam.