[ODE] Bike Balancing!

James Steele james.steele at greentube.com
Fri Nov 9 07:47:50 MST 2007

I just thought I'd give an update on how I'm going with the 
bike-balancing stuff

I'm not after total realism, just a way to control the leab angle of the 
bike to make it look real and stop it from falling over.

As a quick attempt at the "push force" I set it up so that a push/pull 
spring was setup at either side of the bike.  Think of two lines 
extending from the left and right sides of the bike that are parallel 
with a ground plane.

 From the ends of theses lines, I apply a force based on the distance 
from each point to a point above the COM of the bike.  The springs keep 
the bike up right, but it does tend to osccilate like crazy after some 
movement due to the complete lack of dampening forces (and probably 
because the spring force being applied is far too large)

But the general behaviour of balancing is there, it's just very crude 
and tends to break :op  But with a bit of tweaking it can be made to 
tilt/push the bike into a lean and back to the neutral position again 
depending on steering angle and speed.

I'm thinking that really, this could be done as a new constraint type 
that pushes and rotates a body sort of like the amotor joint does already.

Bram Stolk wrote:
>     Jon Watte wrote:
>     > If this is for research, ODE is not a good library to use, because
>     > bikes have gyroscopic forces that are not modeled in ODE.
> Jon, are you sure?
> Why do we have a --disable-gyroscopic flag in ODE's configure?
>   Bram
> -- 
> Zapp: Captain's log, stardate...er..
> Kif: Ohhh. April 13th.
> Zapp: April 13th. Point 2. 


James Steele   

3D / Physics Programmer


james.steele at greentube.com


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