[ODE] Joint Error Handling

GLANDIERES, Céline cglandieres at sogitec.fr
Thu Feb 1 06:27:02 MST 2007

I'm using ODE (v 0.7) to simulate kinematics behaviour of my objects. For the moment, I don't use colllision.
It works well , except in some cases : when the user set a too big value that the bodys can't reach because they are linked to other bodys, the ODE bodys oscilate and are never stabilized.
I need to stop the bodys just before they begin to oscillate. For that I need to know when the system begin to become unstable . Is it possible ?
In ODE is there an error parameter or something else that could indicates that the system becom unstable ?
I'm not fluent in english , so if you don't understant me , please let me know and I will try to explain again my problem.
Thanks in advance,
Céline Glandières 

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