[ODE] Collision Trimesh-Box

Jon Watte (ODE) hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Tue Aug 14 08:59:09 MST 2007

For trimeshes, you almost always want at least 10 contacts, preferrably 
more. Asking for a single contact with a trimesh is a special case that 
don't necessarily need to be tested for.

Also, in the case you only want one (ray-trimesh with "closest" 
contact), you still need to check all the contacts to find the closest one.

So, can you optimize for the case where the user asks for fewer contacts 
than he really needs to see? Yes, you can, but that's kind-of like 
optimizing for a file-not-found error.


          / h+

Oleh Derevenko wrote:
> Hi
>>> What happens if you reverse the winding of all the faces?
>> No. That does not help.
> So, the reason was quite simple. Having believed the comment for dCollide,
> -----------------------------
>  * @param flags The flags specify how contacts should be generated if
>  * the geoms touch. The lower 16 bits of flags is an integer that
>  * specifies the maximum number of contact points to generate. Note
>  * that if this number is zero, this function just pretends that it is
>  * one -- in other words you can not ask for zero contacts. All other bits
>  * in flags must be zero. In the future the other bits may be used to
>  * select from different contact generation strategies.
> -----------------------------
> which says that is flags is zero the function pretends it is one, I had made 
> a mistake because this is a complete bullshit and there is no special 
> processing of zero-value in the code. If flags is zero the function always 
> returns zero contacts.
> Also, in GenerateContact() of collision_trimesh_box.cpp there is a cycle
> for (int i=0; i<OutTriCount; i++)
> which checks for matches with normals already generated. Why does not it 
> bail out after the match has been found and continues checking all the rest 
> contacts? Is not it one of the first optimization principles every student 
> starting to write programs should know?
> Or the same thing in dCollideBTL() of collision_trimesh_box.cpp. If all the 
> available contact return slots are already assigned, why the function 
> continues executing cycle
> for (int i = 0; i < TriCount; i++){
> checking triangles and calculating intersections just to see every next time 
> that there is no more room left to store result and just to ignore that 
> result after all?
> It's really sad to see code like that. :(
> Oleh Derevenko
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