[ODE] Cylinders on the ground

Alex Silverman alex at digitalembryo.com
Wed Apr 25 13:21:21 MST 2007

Hello all,

I'm trying to simulate a disc and I'm seeing some strange behavior when
discs hit the ground.  They act as though they are being affected by some
force that rights them on their edge, instead of allowing them to rest on
either face.  I noticed this behavior in the ODE sample
"test_moving_trimesh" as well.  It stands to reason (to my brain anyway)
that this is somehow influenced by the behavior of longer cylinders, as they
would naturally fall on their edge, but I'm not sure why it is that thinner
cylinders don't behave correctly.  Is there any way of fixing this, or at
least hacking it together to work in a more realistic way?  It's strange to
see a thrown frisbee bounce along the ground then roll in a circle a bit,
ever widening (almost as though there were a spring pushing it away from the
ground) to eventually start rolling on its side :)  I've found that for
whatever reason this is a tough thing to describe, so maybe it's best to run
the test_moving_trimesh sample and press 'y' until you drop a cylinder that
is shaped like a quarter, and see what I mean.


- Alex Silverman

Alex Silverman
Digital Embryo
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