[ODE] Getting started with ODE and Microsoft Visual C++ Express

Diane Yang dyang at setcorporation.com
Tue Sep 19 08:32:52 MST 2006

I'm new to ODE and trying to build it with Microsoft Visual C++ Express. I
got the ode-060223.tar.gz version of ODE, and I'm following the instructions
on http://opende.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Manual_(Install_and_Use) for
building with Visual Studio. However, I don't see a ode/build directory or a
config-default.h file anywhere. 


I tried just building the solution file in the top-level directory, but the
files that need to be included seem to be rather scattered . in /OPCODE,
/include/ode, etc.


Can someone help me get rolling on this?



- Diane

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