[ODE] Updating ODE SVN with the lastest trimesh collision

Jason Perkins starkos at gmail.com
Sun Oct 29 06:31:46 MST 2006

> The patch is avaliable at:
> http://gimpact.sourceforge.net/odepatches/replacement_for_ode_svn20061028.zip

Umm...this isn't really a "patch". You can find a very quick
introduction to patching here:
http://www.kegel.com/academy/opensource.html under "Making Patches".
Does anyone know of a better link, maybe something we could put on the
wiki for future contributors?

Instead of submitting these mega-patches, it would be a lot easier on
us if you could send in each change individually, and send just the
code that has actually changed (the link above has more information on
how to do that). That way the list can give the change a quick review;
we find a lot of potential problems and improvements that way. You can
look at the patch tracker on SourceForge
(http://sf.net/tracker/?group_id=24884&atid=382801) to see some

> * Jason, you've forgot to update the VS2005 project
> files!!!! Now It has been updated.

No, I was going to let this last round of changes settle down before I
created new project files. Even so, I don't think we should switch the
default build to gimpact until it has been thoroughly tested. It needs
to build and run in double precision, and on 64-bit platforms. It
needs support from autotools.

I don't know how folks feel: is it okay to use premake/configure to
switch between collision engines? If not, we need to fix the
#if...#endif blocks around all the trimesh code to enable engine
switching by a #define. And looking forward (bullet?) it would be nice
to formalize the interface between ODE and not-ODE.


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