[ODE] GIMPACT merged to trunk

Jon Watte (ODE) hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Sat Oct 28 10:09:39 MST 2006

I would suggest we use OpenGL and DirectX triangle winding support 
(which is the same, because while they're different in 
clockwise/counterclockwise, they are also in mirrored spaces). I forget 
whether OPCODE does this or not.


          / h+

Jason Perkins wrote:
> That was messy, but GIMPACT is now merged with the ODE trunk. For the
> time being, I have added the GIMPACT sources directly to the ODE
> repository. If Francisco sets up a separate repository later we can
> link there.
> For the moment, you will need Premake (http://premake.sf.net/) to
> build with GIMPACT. In the future, once we've cleaned up all the
> #if... blocks you will be able to flip a switch in <config.h> but
> until then. In the ode/build directory run
>   premake --with-gimpact --with-tests --target xxx
> ...where "xxx" is one of vs2005, vs2003, vs2002, gnu, or cb-gcc (type
> `premake --help` for help). That will create a solution ode.sln (or
> makefile or whatever) you can use to build ode and the tests. Works
> for Visual Studio, might have issues elsewhere, YMMV.
> A big question for Francisco: at collision_trimesh_gimpact.cpp(474)
> you call FetchTriangle() and use the results, but you never
> implemented FetchTriangle(). I filled in with an assert for now.
> A couple of notes: I only applied the changes directly related to
> GIMPACT support. So the trimesh/box "null normal" fix and the
> autodisable fix were not applied. Those should be submitted and
> considered separately.
> You now need to call dInitODE() on startup - this has been added to
> all of the tests.
> test_trimesh fails with GIMPACT, apparently because the triangle
> winding is wrong. We need to fix either GIMPACT or OPCODE so that it
> works consistently.
> I think that's it for now. Give it a try and let me know what you think.
> Jason
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