[ODE] Inverse Kinematics

Bernie Roehl broehl at gmail.com
Fri Mar 24 11:49:17 MST 2006

Hi everyone

I'm doing a robot arm simulation, and I want to have the robot simply 
reach toward a goal point and follow the goal as it moves.  I could use 
IK, but I'm thinking there's probably a way to do it using ODE.

I'm implemented something similar to the double-pendulum example, but 
with a force that moves the second pendulum towards the goal point. 
Essentially I'm doing this:

forceVector = scale*(goal_location_vector - hand_location_vector)

Of course, what I get from that is just a pendulum -- the hand 
accelerates towards the goal point, and travels past it, before the 
force pulls it back towards the goal again, and so on.

Anyone have any suggestions on a good way to do this?  Ideally, I'd like 
to have the hand accelerate and then decelerate so the final velocity is 
zero when it reaches its goal.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

   Bernie Roehl
   Software Consultant
   Mail: broehl at gmail.com  Voice: (519) 577-8494

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