[ODE] How can I know the depth of a collision?

Gussimulator gussimulator at yahoo.com.ar
Sun Mar 19 12:38:34 MST 2006

I would like to know how deep a collision was, is this possible within ODE?
What should I do in order to get this important info from ODE?.

Also how would you go to get the amount of collisions (collision count) ?

Something like the following I mean: dBodyGetCollisionsCount()
And dBodyGetCollisionDepth()  

the following snippet from an ODE wrapper:

count = ODE_dBodyGetCollisionsCount(box)
  For i = 0 To count - 1
   depth# = ODE_dBodyGetCollisionDepth(box, i)
   If depth > 0.05
    snd = PlaySound(sound)
    ChannelVolume snd, depth * 10
    red# = depth * 255 * 3
    If red# > 255 Then red# = 255

(not in C i know...)

those 2 would be useful to have builtin I think.
But apart from the suggestion, how can I get the depth of a collision?.

I really wont pay for an ODE wrapper you know... ODE is OSS... 

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