[ODE] Installation trouble & compilation errors (ode-6.0 on Ubuntu)

Rodrigo Hernandez kwizatz at aeongames.com
Thu Jul 6 14:37:43 MST 2006

Add /usr/local/lib to /etc/ld.so.conf
run (as root) /sbin/ldconfig

Try running the test again.

Michael Jones wrote:

>I'm hoping to use the ODE for a project of mine but have had some trouble
>installing it. I've downloaded ode-0.6 from sourceforge and am installing
>it to my home directory on the latest version of Ubuntu.
>I followed the instructions and the installation appeared to go smoothly.
>However when I tried the test_ demos and get the following error:
>test_ode: error while loading shared libraries: libode.so: cannot open
>shared object file: No such file or directory
>I have copies of libode.so in:
>Not sure why these aren't being picked up so, having no idea as to the
>cause of this I copied over test_hinge.cpp (renamed to main.cpp) to a
>separate directory and have tried to compile it myself. My makefile
>executes the following two commands and gets the error shown.
>g++ -D_LINUX_ -c  -g -Wall -DUNIX -funroll-loops -O3 -DUNIX -DLINUX
>-I../include -I/usr/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/home/mike/ode/include
>main.cpp -o main.o
>g++ -o Hinge -g -Wall -DUNIX -funroll-loops -O3 -DUNIX -DLINUX
>-L/home/mike/ode/ode/src -L/home/mike/ode/drawstuff/src -ldrawstuff -lode
>-I../include -I/usr/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/home/mike/ode/include 
>           main.o   -lGL -lGLU -lglut -lstdc++ -ltiff -lMagick++
>main.o: In function
>`start':/home/mike/projects/masters/rnd/ode/main.cpp:57: undefined
>reference to `dsSetViewpoint'
>main.o: In function
>`simLoop':/home/mike/projects/masters/rnd/ode/main.cpp:111: undefined
>reference to `dsSetTexture'
>:/home/mike/projects/masters/rnd/ode/main.cpp:112: undefined reference to
>:/home/mike/projects/masters/rnd/ode/main.cpp:113: undefined reference to
>:/home/mike/projects/masters/rnd/ode/main.cpp:114: undefined reference to
>:/home/mike/projects/masters/rnd/ode/main.cpp:115: undefined reference to
>main.o: In function
>`main':/home/mike/projects/masters/rnd/ode/main.cpp:160: undefined
>reference to `dsSimulationLoop'
>collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>make: *** [Hinge] Error 1
>I am a beginner at all this stuff but I've been trying all day to get it
>right, Is there something obvious I'm missing? I've got a libdrawstuff.a
>file in ~/ode/drawstuff/src/ but no .so, is this not needed?
>Any help would be much appreciated,
>ODE mailing list
>ODE at q12.org

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