[ODE] Brakes and rotational damping

Matthew Harmon matt at ev-interactive.com
Thu Feb 9 10:23:42 MST 2006

We need to control the wheel via "real" variable torque inputs.  The
velocity-controlled system of the AMotor doesn't jive with reality in that
sense.  That's one reason why the "basic" car samples floating around the
web don't really do us much good.

I guess my real question boils down to this:  Is there anything
fundamentally "wrong" with taking the angular velocity of a body, reducing
it, and putting it back?  It seems like a kludge, but that sort of how
brakes work in the real world.  They don't apply a "counter-torque" as such,
they bleed off momentum into heat.

-----Original Message-----
From: J. Perkins [mailto:starkos at gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006 6:58 AM
To: Matthew Harmon
Cc: ode at q12.org
Subject: Re: [ODE] Brakes and rotational damping

On 2/8/06, Matthew Harmon <matt at ev-interactive.com> wrote:
> What is a good scheme for applying "brakes" or other damping to a rotating
> body?  We've tried a few things but would love some recommendations:

How about an AMotor with the target velocity set to zero?


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