[ODE] nan

Jon Watte (ODE) hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Wed Aug 16 16:02:27 MST 2006

Bram Stolk wrote:
> I think we should set them to zero though.
> It makes dRFromAxisAndAngle() a little slower, but at least it conforms
> to spec, and NaN's are very nasty.
> There are probably more funcs that skip the init.
It's not certain that it even makes the function any slower -- the cache 
line is already in memory at that point, or at least speculatively 
allocated. And if you overwrite all parts of a cache line, certain 
architectures can even optimize that to not need to fetch from memory on 
line evict. Although I doubt that'll matter in this case :-)


          / h+

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