[ODE] Slow performence in a given scene - optimizable, or "just how it is"?

Jon Watte (ODE) hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Sat Nov 5 23:59:21 MST 2005

> Eh, there's presently a lot of inner-collision between the trigger
> bodies on a given entity (arms vs torso vs legs vs head vs sword hit
> zones), and that's dead easy to optimize out... it's just that 246
> doesn't seem terribly extreme for a larger scene, with piles of random
> boxes and such - and I still need that level of scene to run better
> than this.  Never mind that the larger scene would have dynamics going
> as well, vs the present almost-no-dynamics-at-all-just-collisions
> scene.

Where's that CodeAnalyst profile?

Heck, if you have a Linux version, even gprof would help.

Without that data, I refuse to speculate on the performance of your 
program anymore!


			/ h+

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