[ODE] Slow performence in a given scene - optimizable, or "just how it is"?

Jon Watte (ODE) hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Thu Nov 3 13:05:27 MST 2005

My first instinct would be to bake the collision of all static things 
into a single static mesh (or a few, block-sized, static meshes).

Another thing you can do is to add profiling code to count how many 
near-callbacks you get, and store information about what attempts to 
collide with what, and plot that. That should show you some spikes.

Characters and other complex systems should probably be in their own 
spaces (spaces can be hierarchical), so that they can be quickly culled 
when not colliding with other entities.

Last, I would absolutely use a profiler to figure out where the most of 
the time is being spent. That would also guide me into making whatever 
optimizations necessary.


			/ h+

Megan Fox wrote:
> Alright, I'm coming up against a performence problem in a semi-dense
> scene.  Semi-dense because, while there are a lot of objects in the
> world, it really isn't all that "dense"... it's just a desert with
> rocks and a single building.  I'm trying to determine if this is
> expected/normal, or if I can bail myself out in some fashion.

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