[ODE] Latest Commit

Doron Tal dtal at email.arc.nasa.gov
Tue Nov 1 12:45:04 MST 2005

I don't have time to waste on this topic, but I'd like to just say briefly
that if you're just talking about gdb you seem to be missing on
the rest of the programming tools available on Unix systems.  Unix
was developed by programmers for programmers, that's why
it has hundreds of tools available.  The simple automation achievable
using makefiles and shell scripts has still not been surpassed by
Windows.  Windows is a non-standard, proprietary, platform
that's used only by people who can afford it.  Windows also has
had a historical tendency to stray from standards -- standard C++
for example -- and this is a huge problem.  Your rant on gdb is
misinformed -- you don't seem to be aware of the many GUIs
available as front end to gdb, or of nifty features such as gdb
attaching to a running process.  You need to be fair if you rant,
and consider the multitude of tools that have become available,
like kcachegrind and the rest of the valgrind suite, ddd or xxgdb,
kdevelop.  Together, these tools make Unix infinitely better as a
development environment in comparison with Windows.
I was a Windows developer for years as part of my job, but have
always preferred a linux system when my boss did not force me
to use it.  Unix is plainly speaking much more standard, and much
more reachable to a greater number of programmers.  Until today,
I compile all my programs with both Windows VS6 and g++ and
I believe the Unix suite of hundreds of tools is far superior.

Now if you're programming games that you only want running under
windows, then I can understand why you'd use Microsoft, but I suspect
this strategy will be limiting, as Windows slowly fades away from being
the primary OS of this world.

Jon Watte (ODE) wrote:

> What my point is is that, for me, and everyone I've worked with, the 
> MSVC debugger is so much more productive than MinGW/Cygwin that anyone 
> trying the latter is just wasting their money. I can't really take 
> anyone saying that GDB is more useable than MSVC for general 
> application development and debugging seriously. (Each of the tools 
> has some tragic flaw, for sure, but GDB has more of them and a much 
> less responsive UI)
> I couldn't care less about the politics. Well, actually, I do care a 
> little bit: read my rant about UNIX debugging at:
> http://www.mindcontrol.org/~hplus/misc/unix-debugger.html
> Cheers,
>             / h+
> Gary R. Van Sickle wrote:
>>> MinGW/Cygwin isn't really an option for serious development on Windows.
>> AHEM.  Or so The Man would like you to believe.
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