[ODE] Box-box and cilynder-trimesh collisions

jpgr at mega.ist.utl.pt jpgr at mega.ist.utl.pt
Thu Mar 17 14:44:19 MST 2005


I am using ODE 0.5 with dev-c++, and I am having some problems with collision

I am making a car driving game: the car is made by a chassis (geomBox), four
wheels (geomSpheres), a road (trimesh) and some obstacles (geomBoxes).

I got two problemas here:

The car chassis does not colide with the obstacles and with the road. The
dCollide function return >0 (it finds contact points) but there is no reaction
to the collision. The car wheels collide correctly with both road and

Replacing the car wheels geometry (geomSpheres) by geomCylinders, the wheels do
not collide with the road anymore.

Here is my ProcessCollisions code:

    // Process collisions

    dJointGroupID jointGroup = dJointGroupCreate(0);

    if (numContacts>0)
        for (int i=0; i<numContacts; i++)
            contacts[i].surface.mode =  0;
            contacts[i].surface.mu = 10000;
            dJointID jointContactID = dJointCreateContact(world->getWorldID(),
jointGroup, &contacts[i]);
            dJointAttach(jointContactID, dGeomGetBody(contacts[i].geom.g1),

    // Step


It seems that only collisions between spheres and any other geom are working. Do
you have any suggestions how to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance,
Joao Rangel

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