[ODE] Stopping a body

Gabriel mystml at adinet.com.uy
Mon Mar 14 10:32:07 MST 2005

I'm (still!) in a seemingly endless quest to have a drivable arcade-like
car. This time, however, I'm pretty close to achieving it.

What I'm doing now involves setting the linear velocity of several
bodies manually. The car has spheres for the wheels and a number of
boxes for the chassis. Wheel bodies and the chassis body is connected by
hinge2 joints.

Now, my problem is that before every simulation step I'm calling
dBodySetLinearVel(pBody, 0, 0, 0) on all the car bodies, but it still
moves. Quite slowly, but it moves, as falling in slow motion.

I wonder why. Is an accuracy problem, or as I hope, the effect of
applying gravity to the bodies and taking a tiny step, not letting the
gravity really accelerate the car because I reset the linear velocity?


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