[ODE] Exception in dCollide when using trimesh
kris at kolos.math.uni.lodz.pl
Mon Mar 14 11:35:45 MST 2005
I have an access violation exception inside dCollide when
box is about to collide with my trimesh geometry. I use
precompiled 0.5-msvc-single-trimesh library from sourceforge
in VC7.1
here are function calls leading to crash:
Trinity_r.exe!Opcode::OBBCollider::_Collide() + 0x662 C++
Trinity_r.exe!Opcode::OBBCollider::_Collide() + 0x19ad C++
Trinity_r.exe!Opcode::OBBCollider::_Collide() + 0xf93 C++
Trinity_r.exe!Opcode::OBBCollider::Collide() + 0xde C++
Trinity_r.exe!dCollideBTL() + 0x456 C++
Trinity_r.exe!_dCollide() + 0x58 C++
Trinity_r.exe!trinity::physic::CPhysicsManager::nearCallback(void * _data=0x096fe110, dxGeom * _obj1=0x0a354aa8, dxGeom * _obj2=0x096fe5c8) Line 188 + 0xd6 C++
Trinity_r.exe!_dJointGetSliderPosition() + 0x1689 C++
Trinity_r.exe!dxHashSpace::collide() + 0x38e C++
Trinity_r.exe!_dSpaceCollide() + 0x13 C++
Trinity_r.exe!trinity::physic::CPhysicsManager::step(float _stepTime=0.0099999998) Line 224 C++
Trinity_r.exe!trinity::physic::CPhysicsManager::simulate(float _stepTime=0.049400002) Line 206 C++
Trinity_r.exe!trinity::CTempState::process(const Ogre::FrameEvent & evt={...}) Line 280 C++
Trinity_r.exe!trinity::CMainLoop::frameStarted(const Ogre::FrameEvent & evt={...}) Line 76 + 0xd C++
Trinity_r.exe!trinity::CApp::run() Line 79 C++
Trinity_r.exe!WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance=0x00400000, HINSTANCE__ * hPrevInstance=0x00000000, char * lpCmdLine=0x00141f05, int nShowCmd=1) Line 19 C++
Trinity_r.exe!WinMainCRTStartup() Line 390 + 0x1b C
Here is nearCallback
void CPhysicsManager::nearCallback(void* _data, dGeomID _obj1, dGeomID _obj2)
CPhysicsManager* pm = static_cast< CPhysicsManager* >(_data);
dBodyID b1 = dGeomGetBody(_obj1);
dBodyID b2 = dGeomGetBody(_obj2);
if( b1 && b2 && dAreConnectedExcluding(b1, b2, dJointTypeContact) ) return;
if( dGeomIsSpace(_obj1) || dGeomIsSpace(_obj2) ) dSpaceCollide2(_obj1, _obj2, _data, nearCallback);
const int N = 3;
int i;
dContact contact[N];
for(i = 0; i < N; ++i)
contact[i].surface.mode = dContactBounce | dContactSlip1 | dContactSlip2 | dContactSoftERP | dContactSoftCFM | dContactApprox1;
contact[i].surface.mu = 1.0f;
contact[i].surface.slip1 = 0.0;
contact[i].surface.slip2 = 0.0;
contact[i].surface.bounce = 0.01f;
contact[i].surface.soft_erp = 0.7f;
contact[i].surface.soft_cfm = 0.001f;
if( int collisions = dCollide(_obj1, _obj2, N, &contact[0].geom, sizeof(dContact)) )
for(i = 0; i < collisions; ++i)
dJointID c = dJointCreateContact(pm->mWorldID, pm->mJointGroupID, contact + i);
dJointAttach(c, b1, b2);
i've tried changing number of contact points to 30 but is changes nothing :(
World settings
dWorldSetGravity( mWorldID, 0, -9.0f, 0 );
dWorldSetCFM( mWorldID, 1e-4 );
dWorldSetERP( mWorldID, 0.7f );
dWorldSetContactMaxCorrectingVel( mWorldID, 1.0f );
here are vertices and indices
vertexCount = 5;
vertices = new dVector3[5];^M
vertices[0][0] = 5; vertices[0][1] = 5; vertices[0][2] = 5;
vertices[1][0] = 50; vertices[1][1] = 45; vertices[1][2] = 50;
vertices[2][0] = -50; vertices[2][1] = 45; vertices[2][2] = 50;
vertices[3][0] = 50; vertices[3][1] = 45; vertices[3][2] = -50;
vertices[4][0] = -50; vertices[4][1] = 45; vertices[4][2] = -50;
indexCount = 12;
indices = new int[12];
indices[0] = 0; indices[1] = 1; indices[2] = 3;
indices[3] = 0; indices[4] = 3; indices[5] = 4;
indices[6] = 0; indices[7] = 4; indices[8] = 2;
indices[9] = 0; indices[10] = 2; indices[11] = 1;
_pos[0] = _pos[2] = 5; _pos[1] = 40;
btw. does oreder od indices for particular triangle has any meaning
(clock / unclock wise) while normal calculations by ODE?
I build trimesh the following way:
dTriMeshDataID mTriMeshData = dGeomTriMeshDataCreate();
//dGeomTriMeshDataBuildSingle(mTriMeshData, _vertices, 3 * sizeof(dReal), _vertexNum, _indices, _indexNum, 3 * sizeof(int));
dGeomTriMeshDataBuildSimple(mTriMeshData, _vertices, _vertexNum, _indices, _indexNum);
mGeomID = dCreateTriMesh(mSpaceID, mTriMeshData, 0, 0, 0);
dGeomSetPosition(mGeomID, _pos[0], _pos[1], _pos[2]);
dGeomSetBody(mGeomID, 0); //no body attached
box mass is 1.0, density 5.0, box side is 50 length
i've lost 2 days already seeking for error source, read through few
examples (from ode and OgreOde) and it looks ok, please help!
GG: 1271378
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