[ODE] racing game

Jon Watte hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Fri Mar 11 16:31:59 MST 2005

> > Low center of gravity.
> check

Is it low enough? How low can you go? The only way of doing 
this is with a GeomTransform; dMassTranslate() doesn't actually 

> > Air load.
> is that really important?

Yes! The faster you go, the higher the air load pushing you onto 
the ground. That's just what you want for staying stable when 
maneuvering at high speeds.

> > Ackerman steering.
> > Sway bars.                          

> I'm not familiar with ackerman steering or sway bars, care to explain a
> bit please?

Google does a great job on these, or you could look them up in the 
carworld code I previoiusly suggested.

Last, you might want to do inverse proportional steering, so you 
can't actually turn as sharply when going fast as when you're going 
slow. Most real drivers do this instinctively with real cars, but 
game input devices aren't that good for getting this action (even 
wheels typically only have 180-270 degrees of action).


			/ h+

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