Adam D. Moss adam at gimp.org
Fri Jun 24 10:56:00 MST 2005

Tyler Streeter wrote:
> Even without trimesh support I have runtime problems on Mips/IRIX.  My
> apps crash at weird times with a segmentation fault, sometimes with an
> IRIX message box saying the stack limit has been exceeded.  It seems
> like the problem usually occurs when a lot of things are colliding,
> indicating that maybe a lot of constraints causes the problem.  I
> don't see this problem in Linux (FC3) or Win32 with the same app.

This one's not so mysterious, thankfully -- actually it's a FAQ
(and can be worked around by using QuickStep and/or the unstable-branch

> That's about all the info I have.

Adam D. Moss   -   adam at gimp.org

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