[ODE] Newbie Question on Numerical Integration Method

Jon Watte (ODE) hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Mon Jun 6 13:52:01 MST 2005

> Oh I forgot: by low feedback forces I mean that they should be very low when
> in theory they should be 0

Use a different solver, designed for the task at hand? At least make 
sure you're using the more accurate (but slower) dWorldStep(), instead 
of the Fast or Quick steppers.

Also try turning on auto-sleeping. Then, the force will be 0 when the 
system determines the objects are at rest.

Still, you need to make sure that each call to dWorldStep() (or its 
equivalent) uses the same value for delta-time each time (using a fixed 
timestep). Making this value lower overall (step by 0.001 seconds at a 
time, say) would reduce the feedback forces, too.


				/ h+

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