[ODE] Russ: [..]making the iterative solver fully stable[...]

jnilson_99 at yahoo.com jnilson_99 at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 3 01:35:51 MST 2005

"How is warm starting (e.g. using part of previous
solution as an initial guess for the iterative solver)
relate to some "solver error and crashing"?"

because if you have to "warm start" you have
encountered an error somewhere, thus the data you are
working with are no longer valid.

if that's the case then ask the question: "how did i
get here?".....

if the answer is because of some sort of failure, then
ask "what caused the failure?"

otherwise how would you ever get into the position of
re-starting the solver?


--- Aras Pranckevicius <nearaz at gmail.com> wrote:

> > "so that the solver can be warm started."
> > 
> > doesn't that imply recovering from some sort of
> error
> > at run time? why not just find the error, fix it,
> > check in the source code and thus prevent the
> solver
> > from crashing?
> How is warm starting (e.g. using part of previous
> solution as an
> initial guess for the iterative solver) relate to
> some "solver error
> and crashing"?
> -- 
> Aras 'NeARAZ' Pranckevicius
> http://nesnausk.org/nearaz |
> http://nearaz.blogspot.com
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