[ODE] contrib\dCylinder and contrib\dCylinder2

Vrej Melkonian vmelkon at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 13 09:28:08 MST 2005

I noticed that the readme.txt for these doesn't give
proper instructions.

contrib\dCylinder doesn't instruct on how to add
support to ODE at all. Althought someone helped me
with this in the past, I no longer remember.

contrib\dCylinder2 says this

You could just unpack these files into ODE main
directory and say yes to overwrite question :)
Or follow these steps if you are paranoid and don't
like to overwrite anything."

I did that, added the cpp and h files to my VC6
project workspace and compiled. I get hundreds of
compilation errors + warnings.

I then followed the instructions to see if the code
was properly added. I noticed mostly it was done right
except collision_kernel.cpp didn't have the code
following this part.
Not sure if I'm beeing clear here.

// flat cylinder public API

So I added the code as instructed.
Also, I added #define dCYLINDER_ENABLED to config.h,
just before the second #ifdef __cplusplus

I compiled and I get 

ode.dll - 297 error(s), 13 warning(s)

The first error says
H:\My Documents\ODELib\ode
UNSTABLE\ode\ode\src\collision_kernel.cpp(629) : error
C2653: 'dxCylinder' : is not a class or namespace name

and I gave up!
I really don't like asking for help for little things
like this.
Good instructions would help.


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