[ODE] Gears...

Jon Watte (ODE) hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Wed Dec 7 17:37:03 MST 2005

Couldn't you do this with amotors? Detect how fast the one gear is 
rotating, and set the amotor to rotate at the appropriate speed for the 
second gear, possibly while keeping an accumulated error term to adjust 
the desired speed by.


			/ h+

Thomas Paviot wrote:
> Hello,
> Did everyone ever try to simulate gears with ODE?
> If i have two parallel axis, i.e. axis 1 and axis 2, and two gears of 
> radius r1 and r2, it's equivalent to set a kinematic relation for the 
> angular velocities of the  two axis : w1/w2=-r2/r1,
> or a momentum equality:
> M1/M2=-r1/r2 if we consider there is no power loss and M1w1=M2w2 (abs 
> values)

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