[ODE] getting started ?

Megan Fox shalinor at gmail.com
Thu Aug 18 22:20:05 MST 2005

One very handy trick is google-searching the list archives if you have
a question.  To do this, you either go straight to google and type (if
you wanted to search for posts about ragdoll):

site:q12.org ragdoll

Or, go to http://q12.org/mailman/listinfo/ode (the mailing list page,
easy link from the main ode page) and use the google toolbar "current
site" function.

On 8/18/05, Anant Trivedi <anant at nmsu.edu> wrote:
> hi,
>  I am very new to ODE (just downloaded it!) and Rigid Body Simulation.
> Is there a getting started guide available anywhere ?
> -thanks
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-Megan Fox
Lead Developer, Elium Project

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