[ODE] Changing simulation step size

Jon Watte (ODE) hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Thu Aug 11 15:49:19 MST 2005

> 1) If I change the step size, do I need to adjust ERP and CFM parameters 
> in any particular way?

You may have to, if you're strongly reliant on ERP/CFM behavior for 
dampening, as ODE uses a first-order integrator.

> 2) Right now at every timestep I add an amount of torque to each joint.  
> Does this value need to be scaled somehow or will it remain the same 
> irregardless of step size?

I think you mean "irregarding" or perhaps "regardless".

No, it won't remain the same. The impulse added is force times duration 
(or torque times duration).


                   / h+

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