[ODE] Two Dimensions?

Megan Fox shalinor at gmail.com
Thu Aug 4 13:12:02 MST 2005

Create a joint which limits the movement to 2D axis along your desired
plane.  Someone actually did this ages ago, and a list search should
give you the posting and explanations... but I have no idea if it
still works, or how well it worked then.

Here's a fairly recent message thread in the archives that explains
some ideas on it:

Looks like you could give the AMotor/LMotor combination a try too, if
you're not up to the task of making your own joint, though again I've
never tried it - see message thread for ideas.

-Megan Fox

On 8/4/05, S. Burden <sburden at u.washington.edu> wrote:
> Greetings.
> What is the most effective way to restrict motion of objects in ODE to two
> dimensions?
> Sam Burden
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