[ODE] unstable fixes to main trunk?

Tanguy Fautre tanguy.fautre at spaceapplications.com
Tue Apr 5 16:53:20 MST 2005

Adam D. Moss wrote:
> Is there a reason why this is only in the unstable branch?
> I'm afraid that everything is ending up on the unstable
> branch, ironically even non-dangerous stability fixes.

Not really.
I'm just playing on the safe side and considering the two last fixes on 
the unstable branch to be "unstable" because I only tested them on two 
computers (one 32 bits and one 64 bits) using the same Linux distro.

Should I backport these two fixes into the main trunk?
Fairly easy to do so for the moment, 'cause the file were originally the 
same as in the main trunk.

I think the CVS policy is incomplete. It's stated on the wiki that 
regular fixes should go on the main trunk.
But does that mean that:

- you implement them in the unstable branch, then backport them into the 
main trunk?
- or you implement them only in the main trunk?
- or ... ?

Always introducing the fixes and modification through the unstable 
branch first as the advantage of maintaining some coherency between the 
unstable branch and the main trunk.



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