[ODE] MSVC debug memory allocation (patch to ode-0.5)

Jani Kajala kajala at gamebox.net
Tue Sep 21 13:48:21 MST 2004

Hi all,

Here's a small patch to ode-0.5 which I thought somebody else might find
useful too: It changes ODE and OPCODE to use MSVC debug memory allocation
functions, and maps OPCODE's new/delete to those functions. Shouldn't do any
harm on non-MSVC platforms either:

As most allocations go through objects.h it's usefulness is a bit limited,
but it can give some useful information too, at least you can tell the
difference which leak is from your stuff, which from ODE and which from

For example while testing it I noticed that 'new dxTriMeshData' in
dGeomTriMeshDataCreate doesn't go through dBase allocation functions (I
guess it should) and when using triangle mesh, ode leaks memory as one
OPCODE's IceContainer doesn't get freed properly (due to static variables in
triangle mesh impl).

Install: Copy StdAfx.h over OPCODE's StdAfx.h, and memory.h to include/ode
and memory.cpp ode/src.


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