[ODE] Sliding over a trimesh

Will Thimbleby will at thimbleby.net
Thu Sep 16 01:21:20 MST 2004


I'm sliding a box over a trimesh, and it keeps getting caught on seams. 
When the trimesh is flat this still happens. Is there someway that I 
can avoid this?

Confused ramblings.....
Also. I was thinking about the trimesh collision code, and I was 
wondering if it might be a good idea to be able to give trimeshes a 
handedness (cw/ccw). This way the penetration depth is always known. 
Might this make it more stable?

Perhaps, would it be possible / 'a good idea' to be able to turn edge 
collisions off for specific(convex and duplicated) edges. If these both 
were done would it be equivalent to a convex hull

I played around with the collision code but I couldn't get anything to 
really happen.
.... done.

Having said that it is stable enough for me, the only problems is that 
it catches on the seams at the moment.

thanks --Will

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