[ODE] force feedback

George Manolaros gmanol at htr.gr
Tue Sep 14 10:36:53 MST 2004


I'm trying to get force feedback from a contact joint..

it works fine, but to my surprise the f1 and f2 are always counterforces

the manual says that f1 and f2 are the forces that the joint applies to 
body 1 & 2 respectively..

the question is: 
_where_ are these forces being applied? 
At the center of mass or at the contact point? 

i know that the obvious answer is at the contact point (since f1=-f2).
But such a force should generate torque. 

i seems more logical to me that ODE should decompose the total force 
applied by the joint to a central force (f1) applied to the center of 
mass and a tangential force generating torque (t1).

can someone please clear out the exact nature of the forces? 

thank you,

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