[ODE] PosR - a better way?

Tim Rightnour root at garbled.net
Thu Nov 11 22:48:56 MST 2004

On 12-Nov-2004 Jon Watte wrote:
> Are your artists actually OK with using scaled meshes? 
> Around here, the goal is a fairly uniform density in 
> tesselation, so a bigger object gets more triangles (both 
> for graphics and for rendering). I guess different cases 
> have different needs, though.

My artists aren't paid, it's open source.  I make do with what I can get.  If
I can use the same object in five different scenarios, thats 4 less objects I
have to beg people to draw.  If the rest show up later on, yay. :)

I imagine the requirements for a funded game are quite different.  For one
thing, you can tell your artists "draw like this".  I have to basically take
what I can get, make suggestions, then take what I end up with and make it
work for me somehow.

So to answer your question, either they are OK with it, or they can draw a new
one. :)  Squeaky wheel and all that jazz.

Tim Rightnour <root at garbled.net>
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