[ODE] [ANN] BitRacer

Will Thimbleby will at thimbleby.net
Thu Nov 11 13:54:27 MST 2004

Thanks for all your help, I've finally finished by uDevGames entry 
using ODE. BitRacer a fastpaced retro racing game. In due time I will 
write up a post-mortem so you can find out more about it.

The game and screen shots is here: 

uDevGames is a Mac game programming competition, all the source code 
for all the games will eventually be available.

I used ODE either in a separate thread on (MP machines) or in the same 
thread as the drawing. I double buffer the physics in a separate 
simulation and use mutexes for syncing. Using a fixed step size I use a 
physics per second governor to control the number of steps either by 
sleeping a thread or the number per frame for SP. Unfortunately I've 
continuously been struggling with ODE to get the physics I want, and 
you'll notice my entire world is made up of cubes. I couldn't get any 
other geoms to work well enough.

So thankyou.

Mac users check out the other great games at uDevGames and play and 
vote for BitRacer.
PC users check the screen shots out.

cheers --Will

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