[ODE] XODE - should angles be in degrees or radians?

Adam D. Moss adam at gimp.org
Fri Mar 19 13:23:17 MST 2004

William Denniss wrote:
> Could I get some opinions please on whether you think XODE should
> support expressing angles in degrees as well as radians?

I lean towards degrees.  Now, hear me out. :)  Radians are great,
everyone loves radians, the maths libs use radians, ODE uses
radians.  End of story?  Well, not really; remember that when these
numbers hit the XML file they'll be stored as decimal (that's not
a certainty, but using, say, base PI isn't going to help make
the format intuitive!).  The common angles of 90 degrees, 180
degrees, 120 degrees etc look like hell in a text form as
radians, and are also doomed to lose accuracy as they're
dumped/undumped from a textual decimal representation.

Just food for thought...

Adam D. Moss   . ,,^^   adam at gimp.org   http://www.foxbox.org/   co:3

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