[ODE] Body manipulation

O'dell Hicks ohicks at austin.rr.com
Wed Mar 17 00:15:53 MST 2004

(My apologies if a duplicate appears.  I had tried to post this late last
week, but it never made it through)

    I am working on controlled bodies such as a player object and
AI-controlled enemies.  I'd like forces to act on them, but I'd also like
them to move themselves.  dBodySetLinearVel seems to work ok, and once I do
some testing in front of the body, I should get up and downhill movement
working properly.  I've tried the capsule geom type, but I can't get seem to
get them to stand up properly.  Of course, I could manually set the
tranformations of the bodies, but explosively bad reactions occur when they

    I'd like to hear advice from anyone willing to offer it.   Should I just
use ODE for my vehicles and ray picking and write my own physics for
everything else?  Or is there a good way to handle controlled bodies?

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